If you've followed our blog much, you probably have seen at least 1 post about goats. If not, I'll catch you up to speed. About 2 years ago Kelly's dad lost all but 1 goat due to a pack of wild dogs. As a birthday/father's day present, we bought him 4 additional goats which have since become 10. They are fenced in 10 acres so have plenty of room, but 1 billy continued to want to get out. Last year he ate the corn crop and we decided to be proactive in preventing that this year. I listed the two-year-old male Boer on Craigslist and after 2 weeks...nothing! Then, I listed him in the Iwanta online ads and received 15 phone calls within a few days. Catching, and loading up a large billy goat was quite an experience. I wish Kelly had shot a few pics or video, but the short version will have to suffice.
Kelly and I went to Atlanta last weekend and had a wonderful time. We had been planning to go to the Braves game for several weeks and chose the weekend series vs. the Cardinals. It worked out where my brother was also there so we enjoyed seeing him for the game. Following the game, we enjoyed a night out with some friends in the city. On Sunday, we attended Buckhead Church where Andy Stanley had started a series titled The New Rules For Love, Sex, and Dating. Not only was the message entertaining, it was very practical. I recommend listening to a podcast.
Lastly, when we get back from New York, I'm planning to write a 4-part series on couponing. Several people have asked me why I never wrote about it so here is my chance.
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